in the words of volunteers
"While it is still fresh in my mind, I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed my "Tour of Duty" at Camp Sunshine. It was great... energizing.. and most rewarding. Roberta has raved about camp for several years but as you know, you can only appreciate it on site... I am only sorry it took me this long to get there. We are already talking about next year, maybe a double session. Some friends have asked us.. What is Camp Sunshine? What is it all about? I tell them:
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of a great team."
"I volunteered for the Oncology week at camp and I feel that I need to express what I feel was the best week of my life. The Camp you folks run is by far the best thing that I have seen, heard of, or been a part of. I am so glad that I went. The friendships I have made, and the impact that these kids had on me is never ending. I bet you get hundreds of emails saying how much people loved your camp, well you should get them all. I have the song "That's what friends are for" stuck in my head since Thursday. Everything was done so tastefully, the kids seemed to finally know that they were not different. They seemed to forget their worries and forget the horrible things they have to deal with day by day. Your camp gives kids and families a ray of hope for the future. It gives them the life lasting memories of a camp where everyone loved them, and no one thought twice about how they looked, or what was wrong with them. If you couldn't tell, Camp Sunshine has made a huge impact on my life, an impact that I know will stay with me for years to come, I look forward to coming back for hopefully 2 weeks next year. Thank you for giving these wonderful kids and their families a hope for a better tomorrow. Good luck on future endeavors."
"I recently volunteered for Renal Week. The experience has changed my life. I fell in love with the camp just a few hours after arriving, even before the families had gotten there. I loved the friendly atmosphere, the grounds were outstanding, and everyone was treated as an equal. I had done volunteer work in many other places and older people shove me out of the way when they don't think that I can handle it. At Camp Sunshine, I was treated with respect, and if I had any suggestions they were listened to and thought about. When the families arrived it was amazing how happy those children were. Their lives have been threatened since they were very young, or they had siblings that they didn't know if they would live to see another year, and they were so full of so much joy and happiness. I grew attached to the kids in my group (as well as the counselors) and by the end of Monday night I felt like a very close family. I had heard of the "Camp Sunshine Magic" all day, and I saw it work. This camp is a very special place, and I have already promised myself to come back and help out every year for as long as I can. I would like to thank you for making my last week of summer a very special one. Thank you guys so much."
"I just wanted to write and tell you that my time at Camp Sunshine was the happiest, most fulfilling five days of my life. I met the most incredible families, played with and befriended amazing kids, and savored every second of the experience. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to volunteer for such an amazing organization! I am already looking ahead to my summer calendar and trying to figure out when I can come back to camp."